Isis Gouhry

Isis Ghoury


Isis has managed to make her greatest passions her purpose in life: surfing, photography and travel.

"I have always enjoyed studying art and especially photography. After my studies, I went to Australia for a year and since then I haven't stopped travelling. That's also where I met my boyfriend Paco, and it's with him that I started surf photography.

We've been travelling for 4 years now to discover the culture of each country while exploiting the surfing potential.

From Australia to England, through Southern Europe, the Mediterranean and the Balkans countries, I take more and more pleasure in discovering and photographing landscapes and virgin lineups.

Numerous projects are in the making."

But there is still a massive project in the pipeline for 2023. The next big thing is a trip across Africa: with an old Mitsubishi Pajero thousands of kilometers along the west coast from Morocco down to Cape Town, past the most beautiful and adventurous surfing locations.

Stay tuned to get the whole story.



Isis on Instagram