Part 8: Return continued

After a few days' rest near Agadir, we head back north. Taking advantage of the days without surfing, we explore new villages and continue to discover the emblematic and cultural sites of Morocco.

The surf conditions in Safi seemed ideal for an unforgettable session. So we decided to make one last stop there to round off our stay in Morocco.

Having arrived the day before, we noticed that the car park was already full. Travellers and professional surfers from all over the world had come for this exceptional session. We were told that conditions like this hadn't been seen in Safi for years, which was admired by many enthusiasts.

We get up before the sun rises to be ready to hit the water at first light. Even before sunrise, surfers in wetsuits are ready to hit the waves. We were expecting a hectic session with so many surfers in the water. The atmosphere is tense, fuelled by the frustration of some as they struggle to find their ideal wave.

Despite these challenges, the two sessions were intense and Paco managed to catch a few waves. These three days in Safi mark the end of our surfing adventure in Morocco.

It's time to hit the road again and head for Tangier. We took the time to visit the city and buy the last souvenirs for our family and friends before boarding the ferry that would take us back to Spain.

On board the ferry, we remember every moment of our journey, every emotion we shared. There's a hint of nostalgia as our journey comes to an end.

We crossed Spain in the rain in two days to reach the Basque country. The climate has changed, from 40°C to sub-zero in the morning. The cold had really set in.

As we arrived, hail began to fall, covering the ground in a white blanket. Memories of the African weather now seem very far away.

Our six-month journey through Portugal, Morocco, Mauritania and Senegal was much more than an adventure. It was a total immersion in cultural, geographical and human diversity. Every day brought its share of discoveries and emotions, inviting us to leave our comfort zone and discover the unknown.

The majestic landscapes, from the dunes of the Sahara to the Atlantic coast, filled us with wonder, while the encounters with the local people touched us deeply.
Every moment we spent on the road taught us something new about ourselves and the world around us.

Although our van trip is over, we can't wait to plan new adventures and continue exploring the world around us. Our hearts remain filled with the excitement of discovery and the curiosity of the unknown.

We're delighted to announce that we've been capturing every moment of our journey on video. Soon we'll be releasing a film that captures the essence of our adventure, its highs and lows, its moments of pure wonder and its unexpected challenges.

Watch our film trailer now to get a taste of the adventure that has changed us forever: ITINERANCE Teaser


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