Juliet Weller


Introducing Juliet, our newest ambassador hailing from Berlin. She is a full-time social worker, fitness model and surf coach at Wellenwerk, Berlin’s indoor surfing arena and home to the largest standing wave in Europe.

Whilst she has been sports-mad from a young age, three years ago Juliet discovered surfing, and her life changed forever. “Surfing has incredible magic. You learn so much about yourself, you develop self-confidence, perseverance, patience and much more about what counts in life and what ultimately matters. But the best thing for me is being close to nature.”

With a love of extreme sports, Juliet loves that surfing demands a lot from you, whilst giving you so much back. “I will never forget the moment when I was able to surf an unbelievably great wave in the sunset between volcanoes and a green landscape. I paddled back into the line up in tears and knew that I had just experienced something indescribable.”

However, she is also acutely aware of the plastic pollution problem our oceans are facing, describing how, during that very same surf, she paddled past a plastic bag floating in the line up alongside her. “This experience only reinforced that it is my duty as a surfer to live sustainably and protect our planet wherever I can. Anything else would be an absurd double standard.”

Since starting rapid surfing, Juliet has been using Rebel Fins. We are stoked to now support her with thruster fins, which are often claimed by standing waves, and Rebel kit. Welcome to the team!


Juliet Weller | REBEL SURF CO.


Juliet on Insta