Ina Schorr

Being active in nature has always been her thing. In addition to snowboarding, splitboarding, climbing, mountaineering and bouldering, she also started windsurfing when she was 11 on vacation in Croatia. Back home in Munich, windsurfing was rather difficult, so she quickly bought a surfboard and at the age of 15 she was regularly on her home spot, the Flosslände.
Since then, a few other home spots have been added. In addition to the Flosslände, you can also meet her on the Eisbach in Munich, at the Almkanal in Salzburg and at The.Riverwave in Ebensee in Austria. During the school holidays the waves could be a little bigger and she often went to the Atlantic coast in Spain or France.
Last year she started contest surfing and achieved some good placings. At the The.Riverwave Surf Open 2022 and 2023 she took first place in the Open Women category, at RSL's Fuchslochwelle Pro/Am in Nürnberg she became third and at Hasewelle Pro/Am in Osnabrück, also from RSL, she took fourth place. She finally reached fifth place in the RSL season finale in Milan.
What a success!
We find it hard to believe that with so much surfing there's still time for another (great!) hobby. She has been playing the trumpet for 10 years, is a member of the Bavarian State Youth Jazz Orchestra and three years ago she also started playing the saxophone.
Anyone who is so active and spends a lot of time in nature naturally cares deeply about nature. Respecting and protecting it is an absolute must for Ina. One more reason to be happy about our new member of the REBEL SURF Ambassador Team!